Construct, Purchase, or Renovate Building

Dakota BUSINESS Finance offers an SBA 504 loan product that provides the flexibility of a 10, 20, or 25-year fixed-rate loan for your commercial property, requiring just a 10% down payment on most projects.  Additionally, refinancing options are also available.

Low Down Payment
  • Minimum of 10% down payment required  
    • Start-up Businesses require an additional 5% equity injection
    • “Single Purpose” buildings require an additional 5% Equity Injection
    • If your business is both a start-up and single purpose, the equity injection required is 20%
  • Equity in the building or land can be utilized for down-payment.
Long-Term Fixed Interest Rates 
  • Rates are Fixed for the life of the loan  
  • Dakota Business Finance offers a 10 year, 20-year and 25-year fixed interest rate, fully amortized
  • See our current interest rates HERE

Lets assume a $2 million construction project:

A typical bank conventional loan would look like:
Building Conventional

With an SBA 504 loan through Dakota BUSINESS Finance, the same project would look like:
Building SBA